Top 10 Success Rules of Jack Ma

Envato Tech
4 min readAug 3, 2021


Top 10 Success Rules of Jack Ma

Jack Ma is the CEO of He is the richest man in China. is the most popular e-commerce website worldwide. Alibaba was founded in 1999. Jack Ma gets success gradually. We will tell you the Top 10 Success Rules of Jack Ma.

Also, you could be the next successful entrepreneur if you follow these rules. Now almost 20 years over and has become the world’s best e-commerce platform.

Jack Ma completed his graduation in 1988. He applied for 30 different jobs and was rejected every time. The Jack Ma applied to police they said, ‘you’re no good. He applied in KFC and 23 people were accepted out of 24. He was the only guy who was rejected.

Success Story of Jack Ma

Jack Ma started his career in 1995. The first time a Chinese firm sends him to the USA to collect payment. Also, he got information about the internet. He tries to find bear information online but he failed to get any Chinese brand. Then he decided he will do something different.

Also, he tries to find general information about china and he was surprised no information was available on the internet. Then he and his friend created a website. On the same day, he received some email wishing to know about him.

In 1999 he launches a China-based business-to-business marketplace site with the help of 18 friends. He got $25 million foreign venture capital investment in 2000 from two companies. He started an e-commerce business on a domestic level then he converted to an international level till now is one of the best e-commerce websites in the world.

In 2003 he found Taobao. Taobao raised quickly and eBay try to buy from Jack Ma but he rejected eBay’s offer.

Top 10 Success Rules of Jack Ma

1: Used to Rejection

Never lose hope. If someone rejects you don’t worry try a second time and keep trying until you get success. Failure is the first step of success. Don’t be afraid while applying for a job.

Be confident and try again to open your own success door. Many successful businessmen were rejected in their life but they never give up.

2: Keep the Dream Alive

Always think creatively. If you have some dreams try to chase them. Always keep your dream alive. Set a daily reminder of your dream on your mobile or somewhere else. Never Forget your dream.

3: Focus on Culture

Don’t think out of the culture. Hire a transparent team and treat them like a family. Listen to their problems and try to solve them as much as. Alibaba started with 18 friends and now plus 25,000 on duty.

4: Ignore the Haters

Haters will meet you everywhere. Ignore them completely. Don’t talk to them and never reply to them. Many people will advise you to do this and do not do this.

Jack Ma follows his own rule. If you want to be a successful man listen only to your mind.

5: Get Inspired

Jack Ma was inspired by the movies like The Godfather, Forrest Gump, and The Bodyguard. He watched over and over again as he was a kid.

People showing their real faces and talent in movies that why he inspired and Now he motivates others to stay true to themselves.

6: Stay Focused

Always stay focused on your business-like Jack Ma. He thinks if he strays elsewhere for a while from the primary mission of his company, Alibaba will get in trouble.

Focus on your niche and become a millionaire.

7: Create a Unique Brand Name

Choose a unique name for your business. Don’t copy others. People always remember the unique name. Think creatively and start a business.

8: Customer First

Customer should be your 1st priority then employees and then shareholders. This is a key to success.

9: Don’t Complain & Keep Eyes Open to Opportunities

Complaining people are the potential clients. Don’t complain and offer a solution. Complaining people are your big asset if you treat them wisely.

10: Have Passion

Passion is everything. Transfer your passion into your marketing team. Encourage them and advise them to work as a startup. Think in long term and think about the next generation.


In conclusion, Around the world how many entrepreneurs can bring their dream to fruition like Jack Ma. Learn from his success story and other successful people.

Don’t waste your time start now and today. Good Luck

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